Wickham Market Parish News
Many thanks to all who participated, donated prizes and helped at our Quiz Night on April 14th which enabled us to raise £592 towards the new hall.
Our next quiz night is on Saturday 7th July, 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

'A Hall for All' Consultation Event
January 20, 2018
Saturday, 27th January 2018
10.00am - 3.oopm
Wickham Market Village Hall
The Village Hall New Build Group have been working with local architects, Plaice, to develop proposals for a new Village Hall and Archive Centre.
Building on ideas from hall users and the local community, a number of alternative plans have been developed ...
... but now we need your views on these suggestions so that we can make this truly 'A Hall for All'.
The event will provide an opportunity to see outline plans, and talk to the Architects and members of the New Build Group.
Drop in at any time during the day
Refreshments available
The George Community Pub
February 10, 2018
Design, costings, funding and risks have all been addressed with external reviews carried out by industry experts.
A legally binding option to purchase has been agreed in principle and we expect to have it signed before Christmas.
Suffolk Coastal planners have provided favourable pre-planning advice for an extended New George.
Come to a public meeting and Pop up Pub event to learn about the results of the feasibility study. Facts, figures and hopes, all explained. Time to be confirmed, Wickham Market Village Hall.
Our spring share offer is in preparation. It will provide information on how you can invest and contribute to buying and restoring our village pub. Becoming a community shareholder will give you influence on how the George is to be run and what it can offer the village.
Something needs to be done about the George and it's been a long wait. Purchase of the building will give us control and access to grants - we've got the chance, let's make it happen.
Want to know more about what's happening?
Take a look at our website, facebook page or email us.
The George Community Pub (Wickham Market) Ltd - A Community Benefit Society
December 11, 2017
Val, a Wickham Market befriender with Age UK Suffolk, has given an interview sharing her experiences of being a volunteer befriender. You can hear her by going to the Age UK website. typing wireless Val befriending into Search and click on 3rd or 4th item down - David Hamilton interviewing a volunteer.
December 04, 2017
Could you offer support to a family raising young children?
Home-Start - a brilliant organisation- is looking for volunteers.
For more information click on Home-Start.
Home-Start is for families living in the Suffolk Coastal District, who have at least one child under 5 years of age. Families may need support for many reasons; coping with postnatal illness, a child’s disability, family breakdown, or bereavement, or maybe feeling isolated and unable to connect with the local community. Whatever the reason Home-Start provides non-judgemental practical and emotional support and helps build confidence and ability to cope.
Our parent volunteers visit weekly for 2-3 hours. Generally we say that volunteers are not ‘cooks, cleaners or babysitters’, what they can do is be an extra pair of hands, or listening ears, they may accompany families to appointments, groups, or even the supermarket! But first of all they’ll be a friend.
Home-Start also runs Family Groups in Leiston, Felixstowe, and Woodbridge
Family groups provide parents in need of support with a safe, stimulating environment where they feel accepted, included and encouraged to play with their children and make new friends.
Family groups are much smaller then mother & toddler groups, with up to eight families attending a session.
If you are interested in supporting a local family, we run courses throughout the year, or If you are interested in receiving support from the scheme (Suffolk Coastal only) please give us a call on 01394 389402, email office@homestartcoastal.co.uk or visit our website.
For a volunteer application form or referral form please click here.
December 04, 2017
Wickham Market Primary School is looking for people who could spend a couple of hours a week to listen to some of the school children read. Training will be given and you will need to go through a CRB check (the school arranges and pays for this). The children are great and enjoy the valuable experience.
Please click here to visit our school website.
If you are interested please send us an email.