One of the Wickham Market Partnership members is in the news!, Easton Farm Park have seen the arrive of quad lambs, a vary rare event - not once but twice in a week.
Jordan Bailey, Easton Farm Park Manager: “We had a busy day with plenty of visitors and loads of people around, the first ewe gave birth to what we thought were twins and then carried on. We had to call over a couple more colleagues to help out. It was fantastic to see them all well and the same size.”
Just two days later another one of the ewes performed the same feat, 8 lambs from just two mothers.
With so many additional mouths to feed a lot of additional bottled milk is needed, Fiona Siddall, owner of the farm park commented “Mornings are now very hectic on the farm with 49 lambs, 8 piglets, 8 kids and a calf with lots more on the way including a Suffolk Punch which we hope will be delivered soon.”
For more information visit their website