To date we have received requests for shares to the value of £82,000. These have come from 240 applications of which 161 came from those with a Wickham Market address. So we are nearly there at the minimum £100,000 to take us to the next step and buy the pub, but not quite. The window of the share offer was 6 weeks, until 23rd June, but we are extending this until the end of July to give time for the remaining £18,000 to be raised. If you haven’t bought shares yet but still wish to do so, or have bought some and wish to buy some more, then now is the time as we are unable to extend the window again, and if we don’t reach £100,000 then the project will be forced to end. An article ‘Less than £20,000 to go’ – Share scheme extended to save fire-damaged Suffolk pub' has been published in the EADT. Click here to view the article.