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Traffic and Parking Update

It is clear from simple observations that parking arrangements within the village are inadequate to meet its commercial and residential requirements. Traffic within and through the village presents significant safety hazards to both road users and pedestrians. The situation is getting worse and this is partly due to the growth of residential developments in the surrounding villages that increase both traffic and pressure on parking. Any changes to existing traffic and roadside parking arrangements require funding and none of the local authorities have any monies to commit to this issue in Wickham Market. However. should any development take place then the District Council will benefit from the monies generated by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). If the development is in the parish of Wickham Market, then the PC will be given a portion of this money. If development is outside the parish then the PC may bid for CIL funds if new infrastructure is required to cope with the additional demands of the development. To take advantage of proposed upcoming developments and possible availability of CIL funds, a Sub-Group of the PC Traffic and Parking Working Group has been established to research traffic flow, consult with the residents and businesses, and put plans in place ready for early implementation on release of any CIL monies. Data gathering is in progress and you might have seen the black vehicle monitoring box (VAS) moved to several different locations to monitor traffic volumes. The Team is also gathering visual evidence and some photos have been posted in the library. You will have an opportunity to input to any proposals and in the meantime can help by taking your own photos of unsafe parking and traffic movements and emailing them to

News Editor - on behalf of the Traffic and Parking Sub Working Group

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