Opportunities for YOU
Do you enjoy a stroll on a summer evening - time spent with convivial company – with some “light” competition thrown in?
If your answer might be “yes” why not give green bowls a try at Wickham Market Playing Field Bowls Club?
Bowls is not just a game for the elderly. It is a “mixed” sex team game with equality for all players.
The Club offers opportunity and activity for all age ranges through secondary school up to Senior Citizen. In 2018 we regularly included a 14 year old girl and a 17 year old boy in our teams – together with a player in his 80s.
We are a friendly and welcoming club playing home games on our outdoor green at Wickham Market playing field. We play in two local evening leagues and offer a monthly daytime pairs competition (with prizes). The outdoor season runs from late April through to September.
We offer experienced bowlers to assist newcomers to the sport and can also loan all necessary equipment apart from footwear. We have a number of sets of bowls of various sizes (including smaller bowls specifically designed for young people or those of smaller stature). All you would initially need to provide are flat soled shoes (most trainer type footwear will be fine).
Why not give us a try?
Come for a “roll-up” (bowls speak for practice/ trial session). Contact me or one of the other Playing Field bowlers, to arrange an assisted individual try.
Hope to meet you on the green!
Bruce Laws
Wickham Market (Playing Field) Bowls Club
01728 746715