The date set for this year’s Members Annual Meeting is Friday 28th June. The meeting will take place in Wickham Market Village Hall starting at 7pm. The formal part of the meeting is expected to take about one hour and will be followed by an informal and sociable session during which Members and Committee Members can talk about the George and enjoy the pop-up bar. We will be publishing the agenda for the meeting nearer to the date but one thing we can tell you about in advance is the election of Committee Members for which there are three vacancies. This is your opportunity to put your name forward for election to the Management Committee and to do so please write or Email the Company Secretary at by Saturday 1st June nominating yourself for election. Please include with your nomination a personal statement about yourself not exceeding 50 words. Your statement will accompany the ballot paper to be sent to each member of the Society before the Meeting. Yours faithfully, Tony Franklin Company Secretary The George Community Pub (Wickham Market) Ltd.