Your Library needs You
For over five years half the sessions at Wickham Market Library have been manned by volunteers. This has allowed the library to offer a regular six-days-a -week service to the 12,000 customers that come to use the library every year.
We are now seeking some additional volunteers so that we can maintain this important community service. Could this be something that you could help us with?
Your commitment would be just two or three four-hour sessions a month. Two volunteers are allocated to each session, so you would not be working alone. We know that people lead busy lives so we ask our volunteers to confirm their availability before each monthly rota is produced, thus avoiding clashes with other demands on their time. We also appreciate that people go away on holiday or have regular family commitments, and that emergencies can arise. This is why we need a sufficient number of volunteers to provide flexibility within the rota.
If you would like to know more about what would be involved please contact John Sculpher, (see below) or come into the library on Wednesday or Friday afternoons and talk to Lisa Sanders, our Library Manager.
We also have a small group of volunteers who look after the garden surrounding the building and we need a few extra pairs of hands here too. We arrange sessions for a couple of hours every two weeks or so in the spring and autumn, but fewer sessions at other times. Please contact John Sculpher if you think you could help us with this.
John Sculpher
Chairman, Wickham Market Library Friends
01728 747434