Organised by NFLA, TASC, TEAGS, BANNG and Suffolk Coastal FOE
Saturday 14th March, Saxmundham Market Hall, East Suffolk
Station Approach, Saxmundham, IP17 1PW 10.45am – 1.30pm
A seminar for councillors, council officers, concerned interest groups and members of the public on the issues around developing a new nuclear reactor at Sizewell
10.15am Registration
10.40am Welcome – Councillor David Blackburn, Chair of NFLA English Forum
10.45am Simon Barnes, prominent environmentalist and commentator
Why is building Sizewell C an environmental risk?
11.05am Ben McFarland, Suffolk Wildlife Trust
Sizewell C: threats to protected species and habitats
11.30am Rachel Fulcher, Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth
Nature, health and well-being – potential impacts of Sizewell C
11.45am Linda Pentz Gunter, Beyond Nuclear International
Nuclear power and systemic harm to animals and nature – the international picture
12.10pm Pete Wilkinson, Chair of Together Against Sizewell C, on behalf of TASC and Theberton and Eastbridge Action Group on Sizewell (TEAGS)
What are the other non-environmental risks in developing Sizewell C?
12.35pm Professor Andy Blowers, Joint Co-ordinator of Blackwater Against New Nuclear Group
Sizewell C and Bradwell B and the likely effects of climate change
1.00pm Panel discussion and concluding comments (for a 1.30pm conclusion)
If you are planning to attend, could you please email s.morris4@manchester.gov.uk