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Wickham Market 2020 Village Show

We are very sad to announce that, due to the effect of Covid 19, we have unfortunately had to make the decision to cancel this year’s Show.

It would have been the 72nd annual show and although it will not take place it will certainly go down in history.

We will use the work we have already done to carry over this year’s theme of “Trees” and classes to next year, 2021.

This gives everyone lots more time to consider entries relating to the theme, possibly for the photography or craft classes.

Our ideas for specific photography had been; One of my favourite trees, Made of wood, A walk in the woods, Silhouettes (any topic; colour or black and white) and Leaf patterns (colour or black and white)

We look forward to the 2021 Show in brighter and better times and in the meantime we hope that you are all keeping well.

Best wishes

Anne Westover and Alan Manley - on behalf of the village show committee.

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