Dear all,
For your information, we are planning to carry out overnight surface dressing and associated works on the A12 northbound carriageway between Ufford and Hacheston. The works are due to take place in the period between the 26 May and 5 June 2020, between the hours of 7pm and 7am. This will require a temporary road closure so that we can carry out our works safely. There will also be a 40mph speed limit in force during the works and a prohibition of waiting in all laybys for the safety of the public and the team on site and for the parking of works vehicles and equipment. Traffic cones may also be placed to prevent on-street parking so our work site is unobstructed.
As we plan roadworks in advance, we schedule extra days to allow for bad weather or other delays beyond our control. If we need to make major changes to our work dates, we will update the information signs on site.
During the unprecedented measures we are all having to take at the moment, although we have scheduled this work to take place on the date shown, circumstances may mean that the work start date may be changed. We will do our best to update you on any changes, but as you will appreciate, our resources are focused on keeping Suffolk’s highway network safe at this most challenging time as our service is critical to ensuring safe travel for our emergency and health services, and for those carrying out essential tasks.
A plan showing the diversion route for these works is attached to this email. When we close the road and put a diversion in place, the route needs to be accessible to vehicles of all shapes and sizes. We make our diversions as clear as possible by placing appropriate signing along the route. More information about diversion routes can be found on our "Temporary road closures for Suffolk Highways roadworks” webpage.
Please note: our staff follow a range of health and safety measures, including the two-metre social distancing rule and cleaning down equipment more frequently and regularly. If you see any of our staff inspecting or working on the highway, for your safety and theirs, please keep your distance to allow them to do their work safely.
We will not be distributing letters to householders who may be affected by our works so anything you can do to update your community would be much appreciated, for example using any websites, Twitter or Facebook accounts you may use in your role – the latest updates on our works can be found on our website at "Temporary road closures for Suffolk Highways roadworks” and on the OneNetwork website
There may be times that essential emergency works are required to take place on the highway network without advanced notice – you can follow Suffolk Highways on Twitter for the latest emergency roadwork updates - Twitter.
Please contact us on 0345 606 6171 if you have any questions.
Kind Regards
Suffolk Highways
To view where the work is taking place please click here.