It is with great sadness we announce that Wickham Market Flower Club has taken the decision to cancel all future flower club meetings for 2020. The 2metre restriction suggestion would make meetings in the village hall virtually impossible, therefore in order to consider the health and welfare of all our members we feel this was the only sensible option. This also unfortunately includes our Open Meeting for November and our outing planned for June.
We envisage our first meeting of 2021 will be a Special AGM s per our constitution, but of course we will release more details later as soon as we are out of lockdown.
We already have a lovely programme of demonstrators organised for 2021, so that’s something to look forward too. Members are also asked to keep saving items for the Sales table and to take photographs of anything you have created during lockdown, your gardens etc. These will all be used to produce a bumper edition of one next Newsletter. Please also keep making or refreshing your Hope/Appreciation door rings. These make a lovely talking point for people passing by.
Could you also give some thought to joining our committee. It’s much easier and nicer than you think. Do speak to any current committee member for details. Any questions please contact our Chairman, June Allum on 01394 384803 She will be only too pleased to hear from you.
In the meantime do please stay safe and well and remember we are all missing you.