Did you know that Wickham Market has three tennis courts and that you can play even if you are not a member of the Tennis Club?
A Pay & Play court can be booked through R & S Hardware (on the square). This costs £5 per hour. R & S Hardware offers to take bookings as a service to the community, so if you do wish to book, please pay in cash. The shop is currently open 9am – 2pm, Monday to Saturday. You will be given instructions on how to access the courts when you book, which are situated on the Simons Cross Playing Field, close to Orchard Place.
If you would like to find out more about the Wickham Market Tennis Club please go to their website at: www.wickhammarkettennisclub.org
Coaching can be arranged via the Club.
Covid 19 The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) guidance currently allows the playing of doubles provided 2m social distancing is maintained as much as possible (see the Coronavirus page on the LTA website at: www.lta.org.uk/about-us/tennis-news/news-and-opinion/general-news/2020/march/coronavirus-covid-19---latest-advice/)
You are advised to use hand sanitisation precautions when accessing public venues and to wash your hands thoroughly when returning home. You will need to provide your own tennis racquets and balls.