Wickham Market Parish Environment Group
Tasks include tree growing, tree planting, in hedges and spinneys, tree care, bulb and wildflower planting, pruning, learning about wildlife habitats and cleaning the village spaces through litter walks. All ages welcome.
Bring good boots, gloves, secateurs, if you have them (tools are provided) and hot drink & snacks.
Contacts: Anne Westover 07586 266553 Email: ennaoverwest@btinternet.com
And Sonya Exton Email: smexton@aol.com
For dates up to Christmas - 2 hour sessions max:
Saturday 16th November 2pm: Church Pightle Green, bulbs to plant
Sunday 24th November 10.30am: Chapel Lane - Sandy Lane footpath, trees to plant and tend
Thursday 28th November 10am: Parish Cemetery
Saturday 14th December 10am: Meet Village Hall for litter walk with Sonya
If you wish to help at other times with a specific task or help in any way, please let us know!
All ideas, support and donations to green works, such as trees, bulbs, tools (via WM Parish Council) are welcome.
