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Jubilee Celebrations - What's on in Wickham Market

Updated: May 19, 2022

Let's celebrate the Queen's Jubilee

Apart from the private street parties here are some of the 'open to all' events that will be held over the Friday to Sunday period. Whatever you choose to do we hope you have a great time here in Wickham Market.

Friday 3rd June - 2pm to 5pm at Wickham Market Primary School

Come celebrate with your neighbours and children on the school playing field. Join in the fun and games and picnic on the grass with a cream tea available from the school hall.

Friday 3rd June - 8pm at Wickham Market Football Club

80's and 90's disco non-members welcome.

Saturday 4th June - 2pm at All Saints Church

Jubilee fun on the Beehive playing field (at the end of Crown Lane) followed at 4:30pm with a BBQ. For free BBQ tickets email: or call: 01728 748224.

Saturday 4th June - 8pm at Wickham Market Football Club

Caroline Revell - female vocalist - non-members welcome.

Sunday 5th June - 10:30am Jubilee walk of Wickham Market

Starting from the Market Hill bus shelter for a 3-4 mile walk finishing at the Church Pightle. All ages and families welcome. Please wear suitable shoes/boots.

Sunday 5th June - 12 midday Picnic at the Pightle

Bring your picnic food and join us for a releaxing fun afternoon on the Pightle behind the Church. Pimms, Beer and soft drinks will be available along with live music, cake stall and art activities for the children.

Sunday 5th June - 4pm at All Saints Church

Songs of Praise family service.


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