on land that is adjacent to their recent development on the edge of Wickham Market between the High Road and Chapel Lane.
Many local residents as well as Pettistree and Wickham Market Parish Councils have objected to the principle and the details of the development ever since it was first mooted in July 2018. However, a plan for up to 150 homes was included in the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan and approved by the Government Planning Inspectorate on 8th September 2020. Hopkins Homes have now applied for full detailed planning permission for 136 homes as announced on the East Suffolk Planning website.
The story has now been picked up by the East Anglian Daily Times on-line
It is important that as many residents as possible let the District Council know their own views. This has to be done via the website but may be possible by letter after telephoning the planning office.
The deadline for response is 1st October 2020.
To make a comment you will need to look at the general advice here:-https://www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/planning/planning-applications/commenting-on-planning-applications/
At this stage it is worth writing out the comments you wish to make so that they can be cut and pasted later into the free-text box in the final comments document. (It is very hard to just click on the ‘back arrows’ in your browser if you want to re-write something. You will get lost.). You are only allowed 2000 characters (i.e.NOT 2000 words). A space appears to count as a character!
You then need to go to the actual planning application:- https://publicaccess.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=QFZIWPQXLYL00
The details and maps of the plans are in the “Documents and comments section”. After clicking on this click on “View associated documents”. (A layout plan is in WIC5-003 “Planning layout”).
After reading all the documents that interest you the best plan is to re-enter:-
Now click on “Comments(2)” and then read the section “Make a Comment”. You will need to log in so click “Register here” if you have not logged in before to this planning site.
Click again on the address above.) :-
You can now click on “Log in and make a comment”.
And then click again on “Comments(2)” where your details should appear with a list of tick boxes and a bigger box in which you can paste all your views from the earlier draft in up to 2000 words.
Finally click “Submit” and pour yourself a large gin or a cup of tea according to need. I suspect the former! It is not quick or easy but if you follow this plan it will work.
The article above has been adapted from one written by Jeff Hallet,, Chairman of Pettistree Parish Council, for Pettistre News. The article included a copy of the Pettistree Parish Council original objections to the new Suffolk Coastal Local Plan, Cath Caudwell’s objections to the new Suffolk Coastal Local Plan and Pettistree Parish Council's response to the Final Draft of the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan. If these would be useful to you in your response, please contact Wickham News via the email below.