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Sizewell C Developments

On 30 September the pre-examination stage of the Sizewell C Planning Process concluded. Hundreds of residents, community organisations and stakeholders like Natural England and the Environment Agency have sent their relevant representations to PINS.

The DCO application included proposals for materials to be delivered to Sizewell C by road, rail and sea. However, one of the issues people and organisations like East Suffolk and Suffolk County Councils continued to be concerned about was the number of HGV deliveries forecast in the transport strategy. We were also asked to provide more reassurance about safeguarding the local environment.

We listened to those views with a responsibility to act on them. And that is what we are doing now. With the benefit of more experience from Hinkley Point C and proposals from our own growing team of engineers, we are now able to consult on some new opportunities to further reduce the impact of construction on local communities and the environment. From 18 November to 18 December the public will have the opportunity to provide their feedback on these proposed changes.

*Please find attached an updated briefing on the next steps for the Sizewell C planning process and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on freephone 0800 197 6102.

Best regards


Tom McGarry

Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Sizewell C

Nuclear Development

As a result of the DCO submitted by EDF Energy in May 2020 a further round of public consutlation willl be held regarding some changes to the proposals.  These changes include increasing rail and sea deliveries during construction to reduce the numebr of HGV's on local roads. 

Councils and the public will have the oppportuntiy to comment on the proposed changes between WEDNESDAY 18TH NOVEMBER AND FRIDAY 18TH DECEMBER 2020.  The proposed changes will be available to download online at from Wednesday 18th November 2020.

Views can be submitted online at or by requesting a printed response form by calling the freephone helpline on      0800 197 6102.  All responses must be received by midnight on Friday 18th December 2020.

Please see the important information below from EDF Energy regarding traffic surveys being carried out throughout the village:-

"Our appointed contractors, Warner Surveys will commence the topo surveys from tomorrow (Wednesday 14th October) until early November.  There will be two surveyors from Warner Surveys taking highway measurements around the village. This is the same contractor who did the first round of highway topo surveys this summer.  It is shorter notice than we would usually expect to give, however there was an opportunity to start these imminently which would fit in with the schedule".

LINK to EDF Energy website in respect of Sizewell C - Please click here -

Suffolk County Council and East Suffolk Council have recently written to the Planning Inspectorate to explain our position regarding a submission of the Sizewell C application during the current Covid-19 restrictions. If you wish to read this letter, please visit

Sizewell Working Group Update - Click Here

On this page you can find documents relating to Sizewell C including all Public Consulation responses.

Response to EDF Energy Stage 1 Public Consultation - Click Here

Response to EDF Energy Stage 2 Public Consultation - Click Here

Response to EDF Energy Stage 3 Public Consultation - Click Here

Response to EDF Energy Stage 4 Public Consultation - Click Here

Objection letter to Stage 4 Comments - Click Here


SZC Response Final - PINS ES Scoping Consultation.20.6.19 - Click Here

Notes of SZC SPR Site Meeting 29.11.19 - Click Here

SZC Pre meeting Minutes - 2.12.19 - Click Here

Sizewell C Stage 4 Public Consultation Analysis 8.12.19 - Click Here

SZC - Problem Statement for 9th Dec EDF Meeting.8.12.19 - Click Here

EDF Transport meeting minutes.9.12.19 - Click Here

SZC - WMPC - Liaison - EDF-Agenda-9.3.2020 - Click Here

EDF Traffic and Transport Minutes.9.3.2020 - Click Here

Town/Parish Councils' Letter to EDF.31.3.2020 - Click Here

Development Consent Order (DCO) Submission

DCO Submission EDF Letter to Parishes.3.4.2020 - Click Here

SCC/ESC-JLAG Letter to EDF .9.4.2020 - Click Here

WMPC - Letter to PINS re DCO.14.4.2020 - Click Here

WMPC - DCO - Letter to EDF.14.4.2020 - Click Here

WMPC/SWG/TPWG - Letter R Bull EDF.17.4.2020 - Click Here

WMPC/SWG/TPWG - Letter to R Bull EDF.26.5.20 - Click Here

Dr Dan Poulter COVID-19 update - Click Here

JLAG Newsletter May 2020 - Click Here

Town and Parish Council's Joint Letter to LPAs.11.5.20 - Click Here

Town and Parishes Response from ESC/SCC.14.5.20 - Click Here

SZC - WMPC - Liaison - EDF - Agenda.13.7.20  - Click Here

WMPC SWG Working Document - Proposals for Mitigation Measures.3.7.20 - Click Here

WSP/EDF Wickham Market Mitigation Presentation.08.07.2020 - Click Here

Dr Dan Poulter Statement.August 2020 - Click Here

MPC Comments of EDF's DCO Proposals for Sizewell C Southern Park & Ride.13.8.20        - Click Here

Letter to Richard Bull, EDF.17.8.2020 - Click Here

WSP EDF Wickham Market Presentation - Notes for discussion.15.8.2020 - Click Here

WMPC/SZC Latest Round Robin.21.8.2020 - Click Here

SZC - WMPC - Liaison - EDF - Agenda.24.8.2020 - Click Here

SZC - WMPC - Liaison - Meeting Minutes.24.8.2020 - Click Here

Letter to SS Communities & LG - 1 - Click Here

DCO Response.21.9.2020 - Click Here

SZC - WMPC - Liaison - EDF - Agenda.28.9.2020 - Click Here

SZC - WMPC - Liaison - EDF - Meeting Minutes.28.9.2020 - Click Here 

JLAG Newsletter - October 2020 - Click Here

Non-Highways Meeting Minutes.8.10.2020 - Click Here

SZC - WMPC - EDF - Traffic & Transport Agenda.9.11.2020 - Click Here


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