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What's on in Wickham

Mon 10.30 - 11.30 Gentle Yoga Classes in Village Hall

Mon. 2-4pm Men's Shed at the Archive Centre

Tues. 11.00 -11.30 Tot Rock at the library

Tues. 3.00 -3.30 Story Time at the library

Tues. 1.30 -3.30 CAB at the Resource Centre

Wed. 10.30-12.30 Wellbeing Tree Cafe at the Aspire Centre

Thurs. 9-11am, All Saints Open Pantry at the church

Thurs. 2-5pm Sewing Group at the library

Fri. 10-12, Open Door at All Saints Church

Fri. 10-1pm Family History Research at the library

Sat. 10.30 - 4pm Lego at the library

1st Tues of month. 10am - noon. Vida Haus Cafe. Suffolk Carers Natter

2nd Thurs of month. 2pm - 4pm. Village Hall. Community Cuppa/Chinwag

Sat 10th Sept. Suffolk Wildlife Trust nature walk along River Deben

Sat 10th Sept. Suffolk Historic Churches Ride & Stride

10th - 11th Sept. Garden Club 45th Annual Show in Village Hall

From Tuesday 13th Sept, 9am - 11.30am.. Bumblebees at Beehive

From Wednesday 14th September - Events at suffolksense


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