Regular events
Monday 10-11am Cuppa & Chat online 2-4pm Men's Shed at the Archive Centre 2-4pm Small Art Classes, Contact Sally Crowley Tuesday 9-11.30am Bumblebees Baby & Toddler Group at The Beehive 10am-4pm Warm Room, Wickham Market Village Hall 3-3.30pm Story Time at the library 1.30-3.30pm CAB at the Resource Centre 7.30-8.30pm Zoom Online, EmpowHer Womans Circles 1st Tues of month 10am-noon. Vida Haus Cafe, Suffolk Carers Natter Wednesday
10.30-12.30 Wellbeing Tree Cafe at the Aspire Centre 11am-noon Cuppa & Chat online 7-8pm Cuppa & Chat online Thursday 9-11am All Saints Open Pantry at the church 2-5pm Sewing Group at the library Friday Last Friday of the month - 10am-12noon Village Hall, Community Cuppa/Chinwag 10am-12noon Open Door, Coffee Morning at All Saints Church 10am-1pm Family History Research at the library 10am-4pm Warm Room, Wickham Market Village Hall Saturday 10.30-12.30 Tennis Coaching (improvers) Tennis courts, Wickham Market 10.30-4pm Lego at the library 1st Satrday of the month - Mini-Markets at Suffolksense 3rd Saturday of the Month. Wickham Market Movies in Village Hall Sunday 2pm Glebe Community Allotment
Upcoming Events
Sat 11th Feb 12-3.00pm - Pottery Hand Build Workshop - Suffolksense Sun 12th Feb 3.00pm - Loving Memories Service, All Saints Church, Wickham Market Wed 15th Feb 10.30-12.30 - Family fun at the Aspire Centre Thurs 16th Feb 7.30pm - 'Saving Forests and Wildlife around the world', Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Woodbridge Community Hall Sat 18th Feb 7.00pm - Film Night Wickham Market Village Hall Thurs 23rd Feb 9.30-12.00 - Spring Wreath Workshop - Suffolksense Sat 11th March 7.00pm - 'My Life With Horses' Social Evening at Wickham Market Village Hall Thurs 16th March 7.30pm - 'Amphibians and Reptiles' Talk by Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Woodbridge Community Hall.