Regular events
Monday 2-4.00pm Wickham Market Shed at the Portacabins behind the Village Hall Email to find out more. 2-4pm Small Art Classes, Contact Sally Crowley Tuesday 1.30-3.30pm CAB at the Resource Centre 7.30-8.30pm Zoom Online, EmpowHer Womans Circles 1st Tues of month 10am-noon. Vida Haus Cafe, Suffolk Carers Natter Wednesday 2nd Wednesday of the month - 10am-12noon, Library & Resource Centre Gardening Club 8am-1pm Market on the Hill, for fresh local produce, clothing, bric-a-brac, Wickham Market 10.30-12.30 Wellbeing Tree Cafe at the Aspire Centre Thursday 9-11am All Saints Open Pantry at the church 2-5pm Sewing Group at the library Friday 10am-12noon Weekly Community Club (Communities Together East Anglia on last Friday of the Month) Village Hall Wickham Market 10am-12noon Open Door, Coffee Morning at All Saints Church 10am-1pm Family History Research at the library Saturday 8am-1pm Market on the Hill, for fresh local produce, clothing, bric-a-brac, Wickham Market 10.30-12.30 Tennis Coaching (improvers) Tennis courts, Wickham Market 10.30-4pm Lego at the library 1st Saturday of the month - Mini-Markets at Suffolksense 3rd Saturday of the Month - Wickham Market Movies in Village Hall Sunday 2pm Glebe Community Allotment
Upcoming Events
Wed 16th August 8am-10am - Business Breakfast Invitation, The Studio, Suffolk Sense Sat 19th August 7.00 - Movie - Rocketman, Wickham Market Village Hall Sat 19th August 9am-3pm - Summer Market, Wickham Market Wed 23rd August 10.30-12.30 - Community Fun Day, Aspire Centre, Well-being Tree Cafe, Wickham Market Sat 26th August 10am - Nature walk along the River Deben, Woodbridge Community Hall, Suffolk Wildlife Trust Sat 9th/Sun 10th September 2pm-5pm - 46th Annual Autumn Show, Wickham Market Village Hall Tues 12th September 10am-1.30pm - Bath bomb workshop, Suffolk Sense Weds 13th September 1-3pm - Make Do & Mend workshop, Suffolk Sense Thursday 14th September 10.30am-2.30pm - Basic Bookmaking workshop, Suffolk Sense
