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Wickham Market 73rd Annual Village Show

Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August 2024

Village Hall

Save the date!

We look forward to the Wickham Market Annual Village Show this summer and hope this year will again prove popular amongst the community.  Last year saw a record 82 entrants and 370 entries with an amazing colourful and creative display in the hall!

We have decided on the theme of BEES this year.  Bees are beautiful and an essential part of a healthy and biodiverse environment.  We must encourage them with flowery corridors to ensure that they can pollinate flowers and help produce the food, fruit and vegetables that we eat.  We felt it would be appropriate to celebrate them once again.

The Bee theme will be incorporated into classes throughout the various categories in the show, children’s classes, photography, floral art, handicrafts, arts and cookery.

We will make an announcement when the class schedule and entry forms are available for residents both local and further afield.

This event could not happen without our amazing team of volunteers so please let us know if you would like to help in any way this year.

The 2024 Village Show team: Anne Westover, John Horsnell, Gloria Creasey, Rosemary Hammond-West, Ali Montgomery, Alison Calvesbert-Reardon, Philip Wilsher, Sue Williams and Jenny Labbett.

Call 07586 266553 or 01728 747689

Look out for updates in the Wickham News round robin (emails) and our WM Village Show Facebook Group.


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