Hello from the Show team,
If you still have a winning trophy from last year, please can you take it direct to Chris Manley at 7 Meadowside where she has kindly offered to operate a polishing hub once again.
You have plenty of time to get you entry forms into Anne or Alison by 6pm Tuesday 30th July please.
Pick up a schedule from library, post office, R&S Hardware or Hair Affair.
We will need helpers to set up the show from Thursday 1st August in the afternoon, and to support activities such as our raffle, serving teas and cakes, and helping to pack up later on Sunday.
If you love baking, please do consider baking a cake for our weekend café.
If you are able to join our friendly team for an hour or two please let us know.
Offers of small sponsorship amounts for groups of classes will be very welcome too.
Anne Westover 747689 Email: ennaoverwest@btinternet.com
Alison Calvesbert Reardon 746166 Email: acalvesbert@gmail.com
