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Wickham Market Gardening Club

In 1977 a group of keen growers came together to form the Wickham Market and District Horticultural Society and to start an Autumn Show. Over the years the membership has changed, the Club developed and It is now the Wickham Market & District Gardening Club. Its activities have included talks, a monthly newsletter, visits and other social events as well as the Show.

During lockdown all face-to-face activities came to a halt but the club continued to be active with regular talks on Zoom, newsletters and even a Virtual Show. However reaching out to new members was very difficult with the restrictions in place.

Now these have been lifted we hope to resume in-person activities and it would be good to see some new faces at our meetings. We aim to have something to offer everyone and are very happy to welcome complete beginners.

We are not an expensive club. Individual Membership is £12; Senior Citizens £10 and Family Groups £18.

Our AGM is in the Village Hall is on Thursday 17th at 7.30 pm. After the business session there will be a review of the Club’s activities during the last two years and the opportunity to sound out members as to what they would like to see in the future.

If you are interesting in gardening and would like to learn more about the Club you would be most welcome to attend. Website Email


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