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Wickham Market Medical Centre Our Covid-19 Vaccination Programme

The Covid vaccination programme will start towards the end of week commencing 11

January. We are working with 27 other practices and Suffolk GP Federation to deliver

the vaccination programme. The Federation is owned by the GP practices in Suffolk.

The first group to be vaccinated will be patients over 80 years old using the Pfizer

vaccine. We will also start vaccinating care home residents. We will be vaccinating

20,000 patients over 80 so please bear with us. We have computer records of those

needing to be vaccinated and you will not be missed.

What to do when you receive an invitation?

If you have a mobile number registered with us you will receive a text from (NHS-

Noreply). Please make sure your mobile is switched on. If you do not have a mobile

you will receive a letter.

The invitation will include a unique booking code and a web link. If you or a family

member click on the link it allows you to book an appointment directly online. Please

book online if you can.

If you do not have internet access there will be a booking line number. This will be

very busy so please be patient.

To book we will need you to confirm your name, date of birth, postcode and a mobile

number (can be a family member or someone in your bubble) which we will use to

confirm the appointment time and place. If you don’t have this please just write down

the appointment details. Appointments for both doses will be booked at the same


You will have a choice of venues and times (8am to 8pm):

o Trinity Park (IP3 8UH).

o The Mix in Stowmarket (IP14 1BB).

o Debenham Community Centre (IP14 6BL).

o Woodbridge Community Hall (IP12 4AU).

o The Epic Centre in Haverhill (CB9 7LR).

If you receive an invitation and want to be vaccinated with a partner/friend/family

member etc, you will need to wait until they also receive an invitation. You will then

be able to book appointments at the same time.

The Federation has prepared a list of likely questions with our answers and this can

be accessed on Thank you for bearing with us.

COVID Vaccination

Commonly asked Questions and Answers

General questions

I have already been vaccinated (e.g. at the hospital) do I need another?

No. Please follow the online booking instructions and decline the invitation.

Will the vaccine protect me?

The COVID-19 vaccination will reduce the chance of you suffering from COVID-19 disease.

It may take a week or two for your body to build up some protection from the first dose of


I have already had Covid. Do I need the vaccine?

Even if you have already had coronavirus, you could still get it again. The vaccine will reduce

your risk of another infection and the seriousness of your symptoms if you do get it again.

I have recently had Covid – what should I do?

If you have recently tested positive for coronavirus – even if you have no symptoms – you

should wait until 4 weeks after the date you were tested before getting the vaccine. After

four weeks use your unique booking code to book online.

I have had my fu vaccine, do I need the COVID-19 vaccine as well?

The fu vaccine does not protect you from COVID-19. As you are eligible for both vaccines

you should have them both, but normally separated by at least a week.

Can I catch COVID-19 from the vaccine?

You cannot catch COVID-19 from the vaccine but it is possible to have caught COVID-19

and not realise you have the symptoms until after your vaccination appointment.

Can I give COVID-19 to anyone, after I have had the vaccine?

The vaccine cannot give you COVID-19 infection, and two doses will reduce your chance of

becoming seriously ill. We do not yet know whether it will stop you from catching and

passing on the virus.

Questions about booking an appointment

What locations can I choose from?

o Trinity Park (IP3 8UH).

o The Mix in Stowmarket (IP14 1BB).

o Debenham Community Centre (IP14 6BL).

o Woodbridge Community Hall (IP12 4AU).

o The Epic Centre in Haverhill (CB9 7LR).

Why is my GP practice not vaccinating as they do the flu?

Th Pfizer vaccine comes in units of 975 doses, has to be used within three and a half days

and there is a strict priority list starting with over 80s. This means most GP practices are

working collaboratively, with the Suffolk GP Federation, to vaccinate patients from different

practices at the same time. It also means we have to have a smaller number of venues.

Can I choose which vaccine to have?

We are being supplied with the Pfizer vaccine for the foreseeable future. This may change

but we have no information about when this might happen.

What if I want to wait a few more weeks and have your vaccination later?

That is fine. Please book online when you are ready.

Can my carer be vaccinated at the same time?

Only if they also have received an invitation and have a unique booking code.

What are your opening hours?

8am to 8pm

What if I do not have a mobile or email?

We ask for a mobile number or email to confirm your appointment time and location. If you

do not have a mobile or email please make sure you write down the details of your


Can I be vaccinated at the same time as my partner/friend/family member who has not

received an invitation?

If you receive an invitation and want to be vaccinated with a partner/friend/family member

etc, you will need to wait until they also receive an invitation. You will then be able to book

appointments at the same time.

I do not have transport

Please try to arrange transport with family, friends, neighbours or local community groups –

this is allowed under Covid lockdown regulations. Suffolk On Board may be able to help but

have very limited availability. You can access this via

Can I bring a friend or relative with me?

You can transported to the vaccination site by a member of your household or by someone

within your support bubble. You can only be accompanied inside the vaccination centre by

one person.

At your vaccination appointment

How long will the appointment take?

We anticipate no more than 45 minutes

If I feel unwell on the day of my appointment

Do not attend if you feel unwell with symptoms of coronavirus.

If you have a minor illness without a fever please still attend.

If you feel very unwell do not attend until you have fully recovered.

Preparing for the vaccination

On the day of your vaccine, wear practical clothing so it’s easy to access your upper arm.

Bear in mind you may need to spend some time queing outside.

Remember to use the lavatory before attending.

What time shall I plan to arrive?

Please arrive at your appointment time.

The vaccination

If you have a fear of needles or feel anxious, try to stay calm and let the person giving you

your vaccine know. They will be understanding and can support you.

The vaccine will be given as an injection in the upper arm.

You will have been given an appointment for the second dose. Please attend as the second

dose completes the course. It's important to get both doses to protect yourself.

What symptoms may I experience?

Some patients have reported a sore heavy arm for a day or two and a slight headache.

These symptoms are perfectly normal. Many people experience no after effects.

Can I go back to normal activities after having your vaccine?

You should be able to resume activities that are normal for you as long as you feel well. If

your arm is particularly sore, you may find heavy lifting difficult. If you feel unwell or very tired

you should rest and avoid operating machinery or driving.


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