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Wickham Market Movies

It is with a great deal of sadness that the Committee of Wickham Market Movies has come to the decision that, for a number of reasons, WMM has run its course and needs to be disbanded.

For well over nine years, we have shown movies in the village hall and film evenings have generally been well received by our varied demographic. However, it has been extremely difficult over the past year, and more, to recruit additional volunteers to replace those who have moved on, and it has fallen increasingly on a stalwart few to ensure that the show goes on. Although attendances over the past few months have been good, in general the numbers have been falling.

Another problem we have faced is that streaming services continue to expand and offer opportunities to see movies long before they are available to WMM to rent on DVD. Also, the choice of movies made that appeal to our core audience continues to diminish; we have continually failed to attract a younger audience.

Our president, and the original instigator and founder of WMM, Pete Holden, sadly died recently. Pete had led us with dedication and passion since the beginning and it is particularly poignant that the decision to disband has come at this time.

We are immensely grateful to Pete, the rest of the Committee, and to all the volunteers whose support and enthusiasm has enabled us to bring movies to the village for the past nine years and we thank them for their hard work and commitment.

And finally, we wish to thank everyone who has supported WMM over the years by attending our monthly screenings; we will miss the social side of these evenings as much as the movies themselves.

With very best wishes from all the WMM Committee.


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