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Wickham Market Parish Council Meeting

Chairman: Cllr Ivor French

Parish Clerk: Joanne Peters, Neutral Farm House, Mill Lane, Butley. IP12 3PA

Tel: 07723 634169


Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary Meeting of

Wickham Market Parish Council will be held on Monday 24th May 2021 at 7:30pm in All Saints Church, Wickham Market

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. (Due to current Coronavirus restrictions All Saints Church can only hold 30 individuals, once this number has been reached no more attendees will be permitted to enter). If you are unable to attend written representations will also be taken into consideration.

Plans will be available for viewing in All Saints Church from 7:00pm


1. Open Public Session

Residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman. Members of the public whilst welcome to attend, may not take part in the meeting itself.

2. To receive apologies for absence

3. To receive Councillors Declarations of Interest (can also be declared during meeting)

3.1 - To consider any dispensations received

4. To consider the following planning applications:-

Planning Refs: DC/21/1942/FUL & DC/21/1943/LBC

Address: The George Community Inn, High Street, Wickham Market

Proposal: Removal of Modern Extensions to Rear. Conservation and repairs to Historic Timber Framed Range to Front. New two & one storey extensions to rear in keeping with local vernacular. Internal Fit out of New Pub, Bar, Kitchen and Community Spaces. Refurbishment of Rear External Space to new Outdoor Courtyard. Refurbishment of end of Outdoor Courtyard for Bin/Keg Store & Plant.

5. To consider an ESC s.106 Sports Fund application submitted by Wickham Market Football Club for pitch improvements and equipment.

6. Any other matters of report

7. Date of next meeting – Monday 19th July 2021

Signed: Joanne Peters, Clerk to the Council Dated: 18th May 2021


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