Bowls (also known as Green Bowls) is a game with a long and vibrant past – you may have heard that Sir Francis Drake allegedly determined to finish a game of bowls before he went off to fight the Spanish Armada. But bowls is also bang up to date – witness its championships featuring live on national TV. It offers opportunity and activity for both sexes and for age ranges from upper primary school through secondary school to Senior Citizen.
From humble beginnings in the 13th century bowls has become a sport which is played today in over 50 countries. The world’s oldest surviving bowls green (in Southampton) dates from 1299. (At the Wickham Market Playing Field Bowls Club we can only claim 70 years of activity). Bowls survived a royal ban during the reigns of Edward III, Richard II and other monarchs because people played it in preference to practising archery – which was then an important skill for battle. Conversely Henry VIII was a keen bowler. The game of bowls was codified (common rules published) after 1830 and modern rules were finally fixed in 1864.
Wickham Market Playing Field Bowls Club will be up and running for 2022. We are a friendly and welcoming club playing home games on our outdoor green at Wickham Market playing field. We play in two local evening leagues (usually Wednesday and Thursday) and offer a Weekly Club Night each Monday during the season which runs from late April through to September.
The green will be open for play - with a special welcome for any newcomers or returners – from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday 30th April and Sunday 1st May 2022.
Why not turn up for a friendly and informal “roll-up” (taster session)? We can lend you the necessary bowls to try this sport. All you need to provide are flat soled shoes (most trainer type footwear will comply).
Why not contact Bruce Laws, Club Secretary on 01728 746715 or Barrie Cracknell, Club Chairman and Captain, on 01728 746300?
Hope to meet you on the green!
