'The Selfie - Face for Life'
Join in the Wickham Market Arts Project with your own selfie
All you need to do is take a selfie with yourself PLUS a person, pet or object PLUS a particular location that gives context to the picture then email it to us with ALL the information detailed below.
Winners will be selected from two categories under 16 years old and over 16 years old.
All entries that meet the criteria will be published on the Wickham Market website with the best entries being printed and exhibited during the Arts Festival 18th - 19th October 2019. (To reproduce images of entries in the under 16 year old category in our online gallery we will need the approval of a parent/guardian please see below)
To enter stage your selfie, judges are looking for pictures that have an unsusual impact, which could include the use of costume, make-up, choice of partner in the picture and the interest in the special location - be creative!
Then email your picture to info@wickhammarket.co.uk please ensure you provide ALL the following information otherwise we can't enter your picture:
Title of Photograph (please use the same name as the image)
Under 16 or over 16 age category
Name of person in the Selfie
(If under 16 please ensure the image is sent by the parent/guardian with the name of the child and the name of the parent/guardian)
Telephone number
Email (to contact the winners)
Location of photograph
First Prize: £25 (This applies to both categories)
Second Prize: £15 (This applies to both categories)
Terms and Conditions
The competition is open for on-line submissions only to info@wickhammarket.co.uk .
There are 2 categories Over 16 years and Under 16 years.
Entries will not be accepted after 1st October 2019.
Photos must be in JPEG format and can be in colour or black and white.
They must be original and created by the contestant and made with the consent of any third party contributors.
There is limit of 5 entries per person.
Submissions will appear on the Wickham Market Competition Gallery immediately prior to judging.
Under 16 submissions will require parental consent for publishing on the web site.
Title and location are a requirement for each image submitted.
Basic editing including colour enhancement and cropping are acceptable provided that such editing does not affect the authenticity of the picture.
Advanced editing to enable the adding and removal of images is prohibited.
In taking part, entrants agree to the Wickham Market Arts Project having the use of the images for the promotion of their aims to enhance the artistic culture of the community. Wickham Market Arts Project respects photographers’ copyrights and copyrights shall remain vested with the creator of the image.
Photos that include inappropriate or offensive content, including provocative nudity, violence, human rights or environmental violation, and any other content which seems contrary to the law, religious, cultural and moral traditions current within the United Kingdom, are prohibited and will be immediately deleted.
A judging panel will be appointed by the Wickham Market Arts Project and their decision is final.
A selection of the photographs will be held at the Wickham Market Archive Centre.
The chosen submissions will be exhibited in Wickham Market on Friday and Saturday 18th and 19th October 2019 as part of the Arts Festival.