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Clubs & Activities for Children & Teenagers                  in Wickham Market

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Little Kickers at Wickham Market

Little Kickers have four different football classes each tailored to a different age group. Currently, two of these are available at the Wickham Market Village Hall on Monday mornings. Little Kicks (18 months to 2 1/2 years old) and Junior Kickers (2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years old). We have two core beliefs that we take into every session.


Firstly, we believe in something we call “Play not Push”. It means teaching football in a fun, pressure-free environment. We want to give children a positive introduction to sport as a whole, not just football, so they’re more likely to stay healthy and active throughout their lives.


Secondly, we believe football can be educational. Coached in the right way it can stimulate imagination and aid early development skills such as learning colours and numbers, following instructions and playing as a team.

Little Kicks class is every Monday morning at 9.30am


If you’d like to know more please visit our Website or send us an Email


Telephone: 07762 341982

Member of the Wickham Market Partnership

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Wickham Market Rainbows & Brownies

Rainbows are for the younger section of the Girlguiding movement. they start from the age of 4 to 7 years and enjoy lots of activities; games, crafts, singing and action songs. There are also outside activities, walks and trips when possible. They enjoy working on challenge badges learning new skills and having great fun at the same time.


Brownies are aged 7 to 10 years and enjoy a full programme of activities both indoors and outside. They like learning new crafts, cooking, games challenge and interest badges plus skills badges. They can also receive Bronze, Silver or Gold awards as they earn more badges.


Both Rainbows and Brownies enjoy the joint end of term picnics, Christmas parties and promise parties.

For further information please contact the number below.

Contact: L. Payne

Telephone: 01728 604491

Text: 0791 8658 723


Member of the Wickham Market Partnership

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Wickham Market Toddler & Baby Group

Every Wednesday during school term time from 9am - 11.30am at Wickham Market Village Hall.  Set price of £2.50 per family/childminder. Contact Stephanie Worne.


Contact: Stephanie Worne


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Wickham Market Youth Football Club

WMYFC is a community and FA Chartered football club with a positive and friendly spirit. Our main aim is to help as many youngsters as possible from 5 to 18 years of age enjoy their football and develop their skills. For further information please visit our Website, or send us an Email.


Follow us on  Facebook 

Contact: Tina Church

Position: Secretary/Developing Officer

Telephone: 01728 663357

Member of the Wickham Market Partnership

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East Suffolk Junior Flower Club

East Suffolk Junior Flower Club meets the second Saturday of each month from 2.00pm - 4.00pm in the Beehive, Crown Lane, Wickham Market. We welcome all young people between seven and seventeen years old. For further information please contact Brenda Eyers on the numbers below or via email.

Telephone: 01206 322890 or 07813 694487


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Free Bookstart Activity at Wickham Market Library

Free Bookstart Activity at Wickham Market Library

Songs and Rhymes for Preschoolers

Bookstart Storytime is held every Tuesday morning from 11.00am - 11.30am.

Mums and Dads, Grandmas and Grandpas we invite you to come along and join us for some FREE fun with your little ones. Meet other families and enjoy some old and new songs as well as a chance to borrow a book or two from the very wide range of childrens titles.

We look forward to seeing you.

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Little Treasures

Little Treasures is a new group for parents/carers of babies from birth to 15 months, we are a free drop in which meets every Wednesday in the back room of Wickham Market Village Hall. 

All welcome, just drop in and enjoy some friendly company.

Time:   1.30pm - 3.30pm, every Wednesday

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Oliver Hayward Playbarn & Cafe

A warm welcome awaits you to the Oliver Hayward Playbarn and Cafe, situated on a farm at Lower Hacheston, Suffolk.

The playbarn was opened in memory of two children, Oliver and Star.

Plenty of parking is available, and the site is easy to find: just off the A12 near Wickham Market.

We look forward to seeing you!


Opening Times:

Monday                 9:30am - 1.30pm   

Tuesday                  9:30am - 1.30pm   

Wednesday          9:30am - 1.30pm   

Thursday               9:30am - 1.30pm  

Friday                       9:30am - 1.30pm  

Saturday              10.00am - 1.00pm 

Sunday - Closed

Telephone: 01728 747144

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The Saints Youth Club

The Saints Youth Club meets at the Beehive, Crown Lane, Wickham Market.

Our normal club nights include sports, table top games, cooking, crafts. During the summer term we will mainly be concentrating on outdoor activities.

We run two sessions each week, during the school terms, one for school years 6 & 7 and another for school years 8 to 13.

Time: 6.00pm Thursday (10 - 13 years old)

                7.30pm Thursday 14+


Contact: Jacqui Goodwin



Wickham Market Guides

Girlguiding Suffolk includes over 5000 girls and women who are members of the Guide movement. The movement exists to help girls and young women to develop their potential and make a difference to their community and the wider world. We have grown so large because we have fun, we have a varied programme that lets girls make choices and develop leadership skills, and we welcome everyone who wants to be a member. Ages from 10 up.

 Time: 6.30 pm, Wednesday at the Beehive, Crown Lane, Wickham Market

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Wickham Market Play Areas

There are play areas on the Village Hall Playing Field and at the Simons Cross allotments.

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Wickham Market Skate Park

The skate park on the Village Hall Playing Fields is open to the public. It has a flat ramp, jump box, quarter pipe, grind rail and grind block.

Please click here for the skate park rules.

Please click here for a plan of the skate park.

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Wickham Market Tennis Club

The tennis club is a great opportunity for leisure use in the heart of the village for all age groups. There are three courts available for use 365 days of the year. Membership and "pay as you play" are available. For all enquiries please call or email the Chairman, Iain Jaimie on the number below.

Contact: Iain Jaimie

Telephone: 0782561522

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