Jobs in and around Wickham Marketd
Members of the Wickham Market Partnership can post any local job vacancies free on this page. For non-members there is a charge of £20 until the vacancy is filled.
To list your job please email full details to We will need details of your business, the role that you are looking to recruit for, working hours, salary, how to apply. A picture of your business, products or similar will help it stand out.
Membership of the Wickham Market Partnership can be as low as £5 for a whole year - worth a look at membership!
Antique dealers - opportunity in Wickham Market
Additional dealers wanted at the Old School Antiques Warehouse
If you are looking for another retail outlet to help sell your antiques, curiosities and collectables pop in to the Old School Antiques in Wickham Market and have a chat with Gary or Terry.
They have a flexible approach to working with like minded people and would welcome the opportunity to have new dealers join the team.
The Old School Antiques Warehouse is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The ideal scenario would be for other dealers to have a designated area and help the team to open up on additional days of the week.
Visit our website to find out more about us.

Volunteer Drivers
We are desperately looking for more drivers for local journeys - within Wickham Market to Woodbridge or Framlingham. This includes taking people to the GP, Aspire Centre, hairdresser, health clinic or social club. If you could offer us a few hours (or even just one hour as sometimes that is all that is needed) now and then we would be very grateful to hear from you. Volunteers give their time for free but receive a mileage allowance of 45p per mile, payable by the client being transported. Volunteers give as much or as little time as they wish and choose the times when they could be available. If you think this could be you, then give us a call to discuss.
Telephone: 07914 494108
Phone manned Monday - Friday
9.00am - 5.00pm or you can leave a message