EDF have concluded that the best location for the southern “Park and Ride” site is the Wickham Market option. Thanks to the Parish Council’s comments on the Stage 2 consultation EDF have realised they need to carry out some mitigating works in Wickham Market. The Parish Council are currently preparing a response, but residents’ views are extremely important. There are two options proposed to mitigate the potential delays on the B1078 between Border Cot Lane and the River Deben bridge. Option 1: temporary removal - and provision elsewhere - of on-street parking spaces on the B1078 between Border Cot Lane and River Deben bridge to create a continuous two-way road that would minimise delays. On-street parking would be reinstated when the park and ride is no longer needed (about 12 years); or Option 2: improvements to Valley Road and Easton Road to allow Sizewell C traffic from the B1078 to be diverted north of Wickham Market via Valley Road, Easton Road and the 1116 to reduce the potential for congestion on the B1078. This would include realigning Valley Road, formalising junctions, improving road markings, resurfacing and drainage improvements, and extending Easton Road to move the B1116 junction north for improved visibility. The Parish Council believe that neither option in their current form would be successful. If you have any views on the above please send them to the Parish Council Chairman, Dick Jenkinson, by email by 8 Feb 19. wickhammarketpcchairman@gmail.com Please also comment on the complete Stage 3 Consultation at www.sizewellc.co.uk.