Dear Members and friends, please see the below details regarding open meetings, normal meetings, outings and future plans for the club during this difficult time.
The committee held its meeting via e-mails over two weeks and the following decisions were agreed.
April 23rd – Open Meeting – CANCELLED
May 28th – Members meeting – CANCELLED
June – 25th – Members meeting – CANCELLED
July – 23rd – Members meeting – a decision will be made at the next committee meeting. This will also depends on the demonstrator being prepared to attend if the restrictions were lifted.
There is NO meeting in August
September 26th - AGM. More details to follow
September 30th – Fashion Show – Hopefully this will be able to go ahead. Further details nearer the time.
We have also taken the decision to cancel our outing to Beth Chatto gardens and Tiptree Jam Farm. All deposits paid will be refunded at some point.
For information the Group meeting and the Area meetings have also both been cancelled.
The committee hopes all our members are keeping well at this trying time. Please note that a decision regarding a reduction in 2021 subscriptions will be made later, to account for all the cancelled meetings.
If you are a recipient of the Flower Club magazine it has arrived and will be distributed out at our next meeting. This seems to be the safest option.
At the moment when you may have a little more time on your hands, would you possibly give some thought to joining the Flower Club Committee. Honestly, this is not in the least bit tiresome. We all work together to make the club run smoothly and be the wonderful club it is. The more committee members we have, the easier the job becomes for us all. If you are just not sure then please speak to June our Chairman on 01394 384803. Honestly, you will not be expected to do anything other than offer your point of view in the beginning. You will find you enjoy being part of the decision making team and you will also enjoy the great team friendship we all share.
Most importantly, until this is all over and some normality resumes, please stay healthy and safe.
Mandy Pryke