Erection of a solar photovoltaic (PV) array, 37 hectares with a total export capacity of up to 21 MW at Land At Park Farm, Loudham Hall Road, Loudham, IP13 0NW.
Wickham Market Parish Council have been consulted on this application for a solar farm to be situated within the River Deben valley (valley sides and part valley floor) and abutting the parish boundary. This information is to inform residents who may be unaware of the proposal and enjoy the valley walks.
The planning application will be discussed at WM PC Planning meeting on Wednesday 2nd February 7.30pm, the back room, Village Hall.
Link to planning application here (we have highlighted some missing assessment documents with ESC). Comments requested by 14th February, you can write to or email:
Links to public rights of way map here:
WM Discover Suffolk circular promoted walks leaflet here:
Wickham Market Parish Council
