I’m in the throes of setting up a repair cafe in Martlesham and together with similar ventures in Woodbridge and Waldringfield we are looking to build up a pool of repairers who might be willing to help out for a few hours a month. The bigger the pool, the more things which can be mended, and the less obligation on volunteers to attend every time.
A repair cafe is a place where people can bring in items for repair and work with a repairer to mend them. Typically items will be electrical and/or electronic goods, toys, furniture, bikes, clothing or similar portable things.
The work is voluntary (but with free tea and biscuits), and is an opportunity to share and hopefully pass on some of your members skills.
Can you volunteer?
If you think you can, please contact Moray MacPhail on 07305 426495 or at martleshamrepairhub@gmail.com
I will need to know your :
email address
skill area (eg. Woodwork, electronics, jewellery, bikes etc)
whether you are available for Martlesham (second Saturday every month 10 am to 1 pm)
Woodbridge (first Monday every month 10 am to 12 noon)
or Waldringfield (as & when every few months)
whether happy to have information shared for the purposes of helping in repair cafes.
If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by phone or email.
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind Regards
Moray MacPhail
07305 426495
