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Planning Application For a Solar Park at Loudham Hall Road

ESC Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at 2.00pm


The public are welcome to attend an East Suffolk Council planning committee meeting at East Suffolk House on Tuesday 28th May at 2.00pm where members will determine the planning application for a solar park (approx. 32 hectares) within the River Deben valley. 

The application is for a solar park, to be located off Loudham Lane, east of the A12 on the valley sides.  It will be visible from a wide area within the valley and beyond.

DC/21/5550/FUL Land at Park Farm, Loudham Hall Road, Loudham

The agenda and report can be found by following this link:

The Planning application details can be found here:

Our ward councillor, Cllr Sally Noble will be representing the parishes of Pettistree, Wickham Market, Ufford and Campsea Ashe who have all raised objections to the proposal relating to landscape and environmental grounds.

Members of the public can attend and register to speak if they wish.

If you have concerns about how our local environment and countryside is developed, please attend to show your interest.


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