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Wickham Market 72nd Village Show 5th and 6th August

Come to our traditional local produce show in the village hall and meet & make new friends.

Last minute ‘Call for Entries’ by end of day’s play Wednesday 2nd August

Pick up a schedule from local outlets or look online:

Points mean prizes and you may win a gorgeous silver trophy too!

Your entries do not need to be perfect, it is the taking part that counts!

We want to make a full and colourful display in the village hall and generate some very friendly competition!

All your entries can go home with you on the Sunday after our prizes and trophies are awarded and the fabulous raffle is held.

Please bring coins and cash on the day and enjoy a lunch or cream tea with friends.

There will be quiche, ploughman’s, bacon butties, filled rolls, tea, coffee, juice, scones and cakes galore!

Take a chance on the Tombola which will run over the two days and will contain some fabulous prizes!

The amazing Raffle is packed with gifts and vouchers from our generous local and nearby businesses. Don’t miss out, come and buy your tickets over the weekend for the draw on Sunday afternoon!

Parking: can we make a small request:

If you are not visiting the show (but enjoying our shops and market) please park in one of the three pay and display car parks in the village. This way we can ensure that people who need to park near the Village Hall have priority. Thank you!

Meet the Village Show team: Anne, Alan, Chris, Gloria, Rosemary, John, Ali, Alison, Philip, Barbara and many other fantastic helpers too.

Contact for any last minute enquiries: 07586 266553 or 747689


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