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Wickham Market Elderberry Club

Our final farewell

Over the past 50 years the above club was active providing a get together facility for persons of 55 years and older where once a month on a Wednesday afternoon club members got together and over a cup of tea we usually had a social with either a guest speaker or some form of entertainment for about 2 hours.

Regrettably due to the Covid pandemic in 2018 our numbers reduced and due to restrictions and the constant problems Covid gave us the committee decided with heavy heart that the meetings would stop although we did review periodically to see whether it was prudent to resume.

On our anniversary month this October 2021 of 52 years the Elderberry committee have finally decided to disband and close the club completely.

The Committee decided that the small balance of funds which we had accumulated over the many years which in the past we often utilised to subsidise outings and meals over the years to the benefit of our past members was is to be distributed to some local beneficial institutions and deserving charities that had supported us over the years.

The numbers of charities we were able to give a donation to were restricted twofold

1 by the number of cheques left in our cheque book and

2 to ensure our donations were equal and reasonable amounts

Those approved and who benefitted by majority committee votes were as follows

Wickham Market Village Hall

Wickham Market Archives

Wickham Market British Legion

First Responders

St Elizabeth Hospice

East Anglian Children’s Hospice

Air Ambulance

Guide Dogs for the Blind

The Committee send our apologies and sincerely trust that those who supported the club over the years will understand that closure although not an easy decision was necessary as with our depleted membership due to Covid and ever increasing expenditure to continue was not viable.

Wickham Market Elderberry Club Committee

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