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Wickham Market New Village Sign

Thoughts on the village sign - part 2.

I have done a little digging and have found out a bit more for you. It is quite interesting. Wickham Market was quite a centre for manufacturing baskets so the basket reflects that. Bottom right, I thought was reeds but is Osier Beds. Osier is a form of willow, they cut the tree back, lots of shoots come off that and those were harvested for the baskets.

The engine - take a look at the old picture I found online. These were huge ironworks that were down by the old Hasnips cycle shop. Wickham Market was a major producer of old beam engines used in flour Mills.

And, bottom left was the Mill down by the bridge (They have a new shop area now, worth a visit)

At the top of the sign there are six bells and these relate to the six bells in the church tower.

Of course in the middle is the church which is over 700 years old and has an octagonal tower and lead spire that is 137.5 feet tall.

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