Where have you been? I know, I know, there hasn’t been a Bulletin for a few months. It doesn’t mean that the project has stalled, or anything like that. We’ve been busy, that’s all, and could honestly do with a helping hand. How about you? Now would be a very good time to get involved with this scheme.
So, what stage has the modernisation programme reached?
• We are getting close to the end of the first phase of the project. Much of the essential background work has been completed, such as agreed Terms of Reference, the setting up of bank accounts and signatories, blah, blah, blah, but it had to be done.
• We are clear from survey of residents and users on how they would like a refurbished Village Hall to look and are working towards that goal.
• We have instructed G.C. Robertson & Associates of Woodbridge to start the structural survey process. Their work, to make architectural drawings of the Hall and determine the strength of the walls, is underway as I write this. We shall also employ another surveyor shortly after Christmas to report on the roofs, windows, drains, etc.
• A few of our team have attended a recent Green Energy event at Wherstead to gather more information about installing solar panels, heat pumps, etc.
• We have been developing an outline plan of changes to the existing Village Hall we believe would be beneficial. Now we are trying to find out if they are feasible.
• We have recently approved the installation of Wi-Fi in the Hall and are currently talking with suppliers.
• We are currently organising the Autumn Craft Fair to be held in the Village Hall from 10.00am to 3.00pm on Saturday 27th November as a fundraiser.
It actually sounds encouraging.
➢ Yes, we are beginning to make real practical progress. Our next steps, in the early Spring, will be to engage an architect in making drawings and estimates for us. Exciting, eh? When we have those we shall organise a public exhibition….
➢ …but we need more members on our Modernisation team. If that could be you, you would be very welcome.
Please contact… Pete Holden Modernisation Steering Group (01728) 747229
