The theme is “Suffolk Jubilee Fun”
A maximum of two entries per person
The competition is free to enter via the Wickham Market Village Show
Facebook page or by direct email at acalvesbert@gmail.com with a final
submission date of Sunday 31st July 2022.
Please see the rules of entry online. Prizes awarded for 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd places.
Winning submissions will be displayed at the Wickham Market Village Show
Tombola on the Hill on Saturday 6 th August 2022. In memory of the late Mary
Morris who loved photography and all things Wickham Market!
From Alan Manley / Alison Calvesbert-Rearden, on behalf of the Wickham market
Village Show Committee.
Wickham Market Village Show Photographic Competition
Rules of entry and prize details:
By entering the competition, the competitor agrees to the following terms and conditions of entry:
1. Each entrant may submit a maximum of two photographs.
2. Entries to be submitted by midnight Sunday 31st July 2022
3. Photographs must be originals of any Suffolk garden scene and be submitted in jpeg format.
4. Entries to be sent to Alison Calvesbert Rearden via the Wickham Market Village Show Facebook page or directly to : acalvesbert@gmail.com
5. Entries are accepted on the basis that the committee reserve the right to reproduce them free of charge to use for sale in aid of the Wickham Market Village Hall refurbishment fund.
6. All entries will be judged by an independent judging team; judge’s decision is final.
7. The winners will be announced on Saturday 6th August 2022 at the “Tombola on the Hill” and subsequently published on the Wickham Market Village Show Facebook page, Next door and the Round Robin.
8. There will be three prizes in the form of vouchers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd PRIZES.
This competition is in memory of the late Mary Morris who was an instigator of the Wickham Market Village Show together with many other activities supporting the village. She also had a deep interest in photography, producing Scenes of Suffolk cards in support of the Archive Centre.