Having a clear-out to take advantage (if possible) of this dull November weather ?
WMGN is looking for those little new ‘bits and pieces’ bought on a whim that turn
out to be ‘not quite right’!
Somebody, somewhere though is sure to find them just the very thing ……..
WMGN are running the Tombola at this year’s Christmas Market on the Hill and this will
be the perfect opportunity to declutter and pass these items on to a good home.
Our Tombola this year is hoping to raise money towards the refurbishment of Wickham Market’s
village hall with a percentage in support of our own Good Neighbours charitable efforts.
Please help us by donating anything suitable that you can spare to boost our display
of tombola prizes. Please contact Francis Wadley on 01728 747866 or 07702 416428
– we will be happy to collect.
Many thanks for your help, much appreciated.
