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Green Gym Events

Next Green Gym events (outdoor environmental tasks)


Thursday 30th January 10.00am (2 hours max)

Wickham Market Parish Cemetery meet in the little parking area. 

Bring gloves (we have spares), secateurs (if available) and snack.

Light work, young tree pruning, lime tree to plant, tree mulching, bulb check (snowdrops should look stunning) and spent/scattered tributes to collect.


Sunday 2nd February 10.30am

Young spinney at the end of Green Lane (public footpath to/from Mill Lane), off Chapel Lane.

Finish off from teamwork last autumn, refresh the native trees in the spinney and little ‘family’ tree groups (oak, hawthorn, holly, field maple, hazel).

Native species are used to enhance the landscape and provide a wonderful mini nature reserve and haven for birds!

Straighten the tree tubes, add trees, mulch with straw.


Contact Tree Wardens Anne Westover and Sonya Exton if you are interested in getting involved and require more information.

Mob: 07586 266553


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